Sunday, September 20, 2009

Non Fucking Stop!

First off... It's 6:19am.
I'm on 4 hours of sleep in the past 24 and waiting out a drunk rather than sleeping it off. Once we got out into NYC and Brooklyn in the daylight we found out that this shit is HUUUUGE! This place doesn't slow down for anything!
The ABC No Rio show was a lot of fun and there was surprisingly quite a few people there for being a matinee show. Those dudes bought the building for $1 and are now using it as a show space. So nuts.
The Glassdoor show was more nuts than anything. Our buddies Omar and Paolo made it into NYC despite car problems and Sanchez flew in just in time for the show. Oliver and Fox who recently moved to Brooklyn came out as well! It was pretty much just a huge hang out and it felt crazy warm.

My ABC No Rio photos were kinda bad and I wasn't really feeling into shooting the entire Glassdoor show. So...

ABC No Rio:




Algernon Cadwallader...

Right after this show was the show at The Glassdoor. This was a pretty cool place but then again I wasn't really feeling up to shooting the entire thing. I missed 1994! and a couple of others mostly cause I just wanted to hang.

Psychic Limb...



After the show we said goodbye to a bunch of people we won't be seeing anytime soon which was really sad. A few others we will see soon in Baltimore. Jason, Anna and I tagged along w/ the Apeshit dudes to a bar somewhere in Brooklyn which was actually really fucking cool. We are now at Pat's(Apeshit) warehouse house while everyone is staying at an appt in Park Slope. Tomorrow should be nuts and we gonna be in Jersey by 5.

The sun is up again and so am I.

Don't sleep.


p.s. still lovin life.

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